Collective Consciousness vs. Massive Weather Events

It’s Friday after hurricane Milton, and I would like to start an inquiry with you.

I live in the upper Midwest and today we are having a beautiful warm and breezy, near-peak color, autumn day. As I walk along through the gorgeous red, orange and yellow fall colors, it’s hard for me to fathom the despair that has been brought about by 2 major hurricanes within 2 weeks.

Where I live, we don’t get hurricanes, earthquakes, tornados, wildfires, torrential rain, mudslides, extreme heat, or “snowmageddon” as we’ve seen in recent years around the world. We are incredibly lucky, with just 6 months of winter to endure each year. 

I feel a little bit guilty. How is it that I have it so good, with the increasing frequency and magnitude of natural disasters that have been devastating people’s lives? If I can help, what can I do?

I can pray. I believe in the power of prayer, as a spiritual being and healer. I don’t see the direct result, but I pray anyway.

I can give money, but seriously, what is my donation really going to affect? I give anyway.

I can worry about and grieve for people in those areas, but this only gives me stomach problems and helps no one. I try not to, but I worry and grieve anyway.

Exploring Our Oneness

Lately, I’ve been trying to really grasp the concept of ONENESS. We are all one. We are connected, as sparks of the divine/creator/universe. I get it, in my head. Yes, I am an energy being and I vibrate at a frequency. I have within me the ability to create.

At the same time, I have my own lessons in this life that aren’t the same as yours. I am unique, and so are you. My experiences that have helped shape me are mine alone, as are my memories and my translations of the world around me.

“I am not a drop in the ocean. I am the entire ocean in a drop.” -Rumi

This is a beautiful, poetic sentiment by 13th century mystic, Rumi. Breaking this down for my human, critical-thinking mind: the molecular makeup of a single drop is the exact same as the entire ocean. 2 Hydrogen and 1 Oxygen. H2O.

Now I can start to grasp the concept of Oneness. I am made of the same stuff as the divine energy that gave me life. I am a powerful creator. And so are you.

As such, how can we put our energies in the same direction and create something new? Can we affect people around us? Can we affect nature? It’s worth pondering.

As Within, So Without

The social divide in the USA is painfully obvious to the entire world. I want to explore with humanity how this divide might be affecting our planet. It seems to me that the collective consciousness is being expressed by our living Mother Earth. She is in pain, as we are. She craves peace, as we do. She is designed to thrive and support life, but she is stressed –because we are.

So how can we, as humans with creative power, help our Mother Earth?

I think it might be simpler than we believe. Without attempting to go deeper than my human limitations allow, I want to suggest a meditation-worthy concept for your consideration. It’s just a thought. An opener.

If the state of my outer world is a direct reflection of my inner world, then it’s also true that the state of OUR outer world is a direct reflection of OUR inner world. Collectively, we are suffering and Mother Earth is expressing this for all to see.

Can we recognize our part in it? I believe it is as simple as becoming the essence of peace, tranquility and kindness. Those would be my desires, anyway.

Be the Change

“Be the change you wish to see in the world” is more than just a wise quote by Gandhi. It is action that we must take. We affect those people in our lives just by being ourselves, and it ripples outward. We won’t get to know what effect we’ve caused, but we can do it anyway, because we are coming to believe in the power we each possess as divine sparks of God/Source/Universal energy.

So, I offer you this: if you begin to become the thing you wish for the world, you can be a part of the solution that we must create today. It is not hopeless. We have been sent here, now, by our creator to live out our purpose. I can’t think of a greater one, can you?

For reading this far, I have a gift for you. 

Click here to download The Hundredth Monkey, a thought-provoking book by Ken Keyes. In it he talks about critical mass, and how an idea will spread around the world when a certain amount of people adopt it. It’s a great read, which can also be found here if you prefer not to download.

Just planting seeds. Would love to hear your thoughts.